Pineapple Notebook

Everyone loves this adorable notebook! (even Oliver the guinea pig 😀)

You will need:
✯ a notebook
✯ acrylic paints, one background color of you choice, yellow and green
✯ roll of thin/medium tape (preferably one that you don't like or use)
✯ mod podge (optional)

Step 1: After placing tape along the binding of your notebook, start painting with your background color. Wait for this to dry.

Step 2: Place your tape in a hashtag pattern across the center of your notebook.

Step 3: Paint an oval with your yellow paint across the tape.

Step 4: Peel off the tape while the yellow paint is still wet.

Step 5: Paint the leaves of your pineapple with the green paint.
Voila! Now you have a super amazing pineapple notebook!🍍

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